I AM DAMN BLUR!! Haha ok let's take today for an example. Hmm first thing! To Youth Science Conference today, i was supposed to take the train to school. Amazingly i missed city hall from kallang and went all the way to Tanjong Pagar. I was oops got out changed trains and went back to city hall. Once there i just walked across to the other side not knowing it was the wrong train -.-" i just assumed kae haha. So it took me to Marina Bay and i was frantic by then xP In the end took the train back all the way to Bishan and was late, i held up the bus =( So sad i took four trains today! Garh and once on the stupid bus i realized that i had forgotten my badge!
But on the whole the Youth Science Conference was very fun. Nanyang Polytechnic's Auditorium is so nice!! Like cinema >.< Gah the things were all so cheem and hard to understand =( There was one Hwa Chong guy went up to collect cert and his blazier was ten sizes too big for him, and unbuttoned! Hwa Chong intelligence -.-" Then after the break, we could choose which lecture theatre we wanted to go to. So we went to the auditorium! (Many people only thought that there was only two lecture theatres to go to not the auditorium, so it was VERY empty) Very fun, it was damn informal cos so few people were there and everyone weren't paying attention (the entries were cheem enough but not interesting). So Kevin and the 2L fellow were sleeping away. Jia hong and Tze Ern were playing on the handphone and writing on a piece of paper. I was reading The Dark Tower: Book Five! Yay couldnt resist, though i did try to pay attention =) So i took the train home later with Ern.
The talk was BORING. And dinner and natalie's birthday was fun. Mmmm haha after the delicious cake, the others were in the games room. Then at the bowling alley, ben ho and tze kang were playing with the candles lighting them all up, with me, nat and her mum watching. Suddenly kang put a napkin on the candles and it burst into fire!! Unsurprisingly, benh ran away immediately -.-" Nat was screaming and i blew at the burning napkin. THEN half of it flew on to kang!! Omg i was horrified, he jumped up and started brushing himself frantically xP While nat continued screaming and i was laughing -.-" Haha it was Far-nee. So sorry Kang xP Lucky the carpet didn't burn hur. DDR was fun, though i fell hmph dont laugh!
Wah haha see how blur i am! Grr xP