Tuesday, February 28, 2006
we are dying
Ms tang allowed me not to go school training today, but i must make it up on another day -.- AAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH
Theres so many things to do, SO MUCH HOMEWORK (TOO MUCH...) i want to cry physics test tmr no time to cry! AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH
Math i lost 5/30 marks to such stupid careless mistakes that my friends LAUGHED at me. I still got an A though. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH
I dont understand light. What happened to my pro physics? Lim Boon Huat said he had to change his questions cause the mainstream teachers said the students were not in that league yet -.- WE ARE SO LUCKY TO HAVE HIM -.- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH
-stomps around screaming my head off-
Omg life sucks so much, i am so tired i can tell the end of a cycle of my happy sad cry coming soon. I will be getting pmsy and moody soon.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
atoms did it
1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to pg 18, and find line 4.
"sponsoring a joint celebration of the island's independence by all" The Singapore Story, by Lee Kuan Yew. EEK ERP IS SO TOUGH!
2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can.
what's supposed to happen here?
3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
ooohhh one of my mother's chinese serials which is still going on now, except that it's advertisement time, which is why im not there! xP And OH NO HW LATER. but on with it
4. Without looking, guess what time it is.
5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
5.44pm OOPS
6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
people at dunman high opposite screaming! haha
7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
Went to toa payoh pool to take a look at that "open house" but it was SO pathetic. Waste of time, but went to popular after. I want competitions to be at toa payoh again!
8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
9. What are you wearing?
Tao nan pe shirt that still fits me (the napfa one) and uh blue pants/ shorts.
10. Did you dream last night?
I wish! i like dreaming.
11. When did you last laugh?
watching the show on now. the eunuch punched a man!
12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
13. Seen anything weird lately?
er no i cant think of anything. WAHHH this thing is so boring!
14. What do you think of this quiz?
15. What is the last film you saw?
HMM. I cant remember. It was during the holidays.
16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
a bungalow
17. Tell me something about you that I don't know.
ohmygosh! you must be the paparazzi! haha i dont know, you tell me -bimbo smile- 18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
get rid of all the stress and unhappiness there is
19. Do you like to dance?
YES. But most of the times when people are not looking. Like late at night doing homework to my dance music!
20. George W Bush...
21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
HMM i think rachel too.
22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
HMM i think gary, andrew or cedric
23. Would you ever consider living abroad?
24. What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
I HOPE i reach the pearly gates.
25. 4 people who must also do this in their journal...
dot dot dot and dots! whoever wants to do it lah
Friday, February 24, 2006
tout le monde change
NO BIO TEST TODAY. Whew mr law postphoned it YET AGAIN. But i isnt a good thing though >.< Next week got 6 tests liao. All not small things. ARGH and the french people have 7! Haha so poor thing. And so many things to pass up and do, week 10 is gonna be a killer! We will DIE.
My swimming is so horribly slow. My breaststroke is wonderfully lopsided, my free is still going oh so slow while all the others are going my pb for training everytime. And howe did a 59 sec for 100! Omg haha that's so good! When will it be my turn? =( And oreo says my wound on my hand will scar! NOOOOOOOO.
And you asked me why i dont like you. Haha sometimes things are not what they seem, and that is my fault. I am destroying my life, and i just sit by doing nothing. I know i shouldn't act as if i do not care at all, be as cold as i am, and give you the impression that i hate you. But i cant help it im so sorry; sorry to myself, sorry to you that we cant be friends and you cant know me. You and all.And here's something taken from andrea's blog that i think is quite true.
"sometimes i forget how blessed i am.was just watching homerun- even a pair of shoes are that impt. shoes protect your feet. like mr tan said, shoes protect you from getting tapeworm larvae crawling into your skin and other dangers. but because shoes are so much more affordable, i sometimes fail to see their intrinsic worth.
i learnt how to trust myself.when i doubt something that i've been told, i shld always turn to people who are more experienced for help.
i realised how selfish we humans can get.from the simplest thing like thinking about how worthless you are to endangering yourself uneccessarily to complaining and pulling a long's selfish if you think you're worthless and no one cares about you cos people do. but how many times have i thought that? how many times do people think that again and again? it isn't fair to those who care. that's why it's selfish to endanger yourself uneccessarily, becuase you wld only be hurting them. we affect one another whether we like it or not. why pull a long face and make someone unhappy when you could be smiling and making them happy instead?
i learnt how to be aware of painful it is when others are not sensitive to you. that i should include everyone, and take the initiative to include someone whom i see being left out.unity is not about holding hands, linking arms, hugging. unity is not merely physical, in fact physical unity is nothing; it's superficial. bondedness is so much more than that. it's the strong feelings of love you have for another, the willingness to help another and show compassion. it's the underlying and invisible connection that bonds people together.i saw how there are very different facades to people.some whom i've misunderstood and wrongly misjudged [i owe these people and apology], and others whom i thought so highly of at first and failed to see their weaknesses; only to feel disappointment in them.
happiness is easy; contentment is not.adjusting is easy; accepting is not."
Thursday, February 23, 2006
always believe in the beauty of dreams
It's so tiring! Eep i've been sleeping for like past 12.30 this whole week >.< and no time to blog! Ah and today's schedule, morning training, chinese cct, bio remedial, track and field. WAHHH.
Chinese cct! ARGH i lost at least two marks cos i wrote tan2 xing4 definition duo1 gai3 bian4. Gahh cos i was a little unsure of what it really meant and so i just put that down halfheartedly! Should have known to do things fully -.- But tian xie ci yu all those i think i get all correct haha. So many LOUSY STUPID SHOULD-NOT-HAVE-MADE mistakes for math and chinese ;((((( Aiyo.
Track and field! supposed to have 1500 heats, but then only 12? people so straight finals on track and field day. Ah so malu later go there get last in front of everyone. But 400 finals i got last! Out of 7 people =( Although i got last by only at the most 1 second =) lol stupid caiyijun. Should have won they're all so fat.
Bio remedial as still quite confusing. Ah gong, sambor and jotham decided to come along. Haha i would have gone for last week's one too if i had known there was. See im so nice ask people if they want to come. BIO IS SO TOUGH.
You/I say we're friends. But in the end we are all just faces in the yearbook.
Friday, February 17, 2006
do you think the CIA knew?
This week was CRAZY. Whee i left my homework files in 3P after doing project with edwin there on tuesday. And luckily porry took it home for me =) But still, it meant i couldnt do homework for 1 day! OMG that is serious in sec 3 xP I just spent all my time in class the next day doing my homework. And now i do homework not due the next day before hand >.< Wah shows how desperate things are. And i skip recess sometimes, to do stupid homework. Aiya everytime i finish something and think to rest, another thing pops up for me to do. It's like a never ending barrage of homework. Next week has tests =( and chinese project and physics project and english ERP. AHHHHHHH.
Aha so much for my venting of frustration. Today during CLE, ms tang bought us a birthday cake to celebrate the january and february birhtdays! From sweet secrets, very nice xP Haha she's nice, but not as nice as cai lao shi la. Yay and we sang the birthday song! Oh and she gave birthday presents to those people. Little things, but still!
We're going on another sec 3 GE cohort trip in term2 week10 zzz. For most of us, it means coupled with OBS, our edusave is GONE.
And i ran heats! For 400 only cos i decided to skip 3000 xP Haha before then run, my arms and legs were tingling and cramping. Eeek and when i ran, i was so tired and my arms couldnt even pump. But still! I dont think i ran that slow :/ But there were so many trackers! 3 people in my heat. 1 tracker and ng tze kang haha. lane 2 and lane 5, i was in lane 7! But i started so slowly, like 1500 like that, then at the first bend they caught up with me already. I was like oops, then i started running fast. I think kang slacked at the end, cos somehow he didnt overtake me even when i was SO tired.
Training was so lousy. im still so slow! ;( and
I've set up my nohari window YAY. so here's both of them
if you've done the johari one already, do the other too!
why do you look at me that way? and why did you say that.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
All that's left is Advertising Space
I saw naomi having this and so i couldn't resist >.< Bestie it's alright right. EVERYONE DO IT. Whoever doesnt i will delete your links hmph xP
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Love Letters
Went to Jame's dinner party this evening, and quite glad i did! Hehe though only cheryl was there and all the other small little kiddies. AND we saw uncle leonard's girlfriend! GASP. DONT TELL YOU WHO. Haha and zhang jiao lian has a boyfriend too, but also dont tell you xP Hehe all the coaches were there and i love the small kids parent's community.
They are really good, there are no stupid parent POLITICS and all. And they are all really nice and welcoming to all the swimmers. Like for JIC, they prepared the balloons, pompoms, and cheering instruments. And all of them went down to cheer so nicely. Unlike our own older swimmers' parents' community, hmm i dont know it's not so united and friendly. It's more fragmented and individual. I dont like and i cant imagine them like the younger children's parent community, so open, caring, united and none of those politics that come with ours. Them doing what happened at JIC? No way.
But back to the party. Cheryl and i had some talking ^^ Hehe dont you just love those info gathering stuff. And we played bridge with Santino's father and Uncle Ricky (later his daughter). But uncle Santino (let's leave it at that) was really ENTHU. And since he was teaching uncle ricky to play, he was really loud and very excited. Haha i think uncle ricky got a little bit scared and intimidated after a very short while.
SO. It was quite a nice day, and i finished my RE letter draft to guangyang primary and sent it to jiahong already for him to edit! Yay. Going to sleep now bb.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Lying in Byzantine
Okay im using my father's laptop now cos he's doing something to the other two computers, so we better make this quick.
Yesterday we finally presented silly Byzantine! Whee it was such a bother preparing it. And i went over in my part by quite a bit, but none of my group members even prodded me >.< But my class gave my group 2 min 30 seconds extra cos they saw we couldnt finish (the teacher let the class time) I love my class ^^ (and i got groped twice yesterday! eek) Oh yes and i just found out that this year, the GE is having the same assignments and tests as mainstream! Argh that means must work hard this year hor =( But on the plus side, we are much faster than the mainstream in the syllabus xP Haha out teachers say we have to wait for them. But there is sooo much so fast! And i hate their way of assessment. They have so many big assignments and so little time to do them ;( STRESS.
And there was dragon boating today! Kenneth was acting with the school swim team like how he acts with ssc o.0 Hmm and honestly, dragon boating was actually quite fun. My boat had only 14 people compared to the other two boats with 20 people each, but we were still quite fast =) Though the guy in front of me kept on splashing water on me everytime he paddled =.= Haha and at first people in the middle were shouting out the numbers and setting the pace, but the people in front demanded their right to set the pace. Hmm and we got second in the races twice! (no matter what the others say) The place was quite dirty though. And on our way there, we passed a bus carrying chung cheng students who stared at us as we stared at them. And ms Sim kept on reminding us not to do anything funny with them heh. Ser zheng was supposed to go back with my mother's car, but i think he went with the bus instead :/ And some three stooges walked back to the club all the way from there.
Dying cos of the workload (still) and for physics test, i got 6/10! Quite good considering highest was 7 and more than hald the class failed. EEK how am i supposed to get a 3.6 this term! And math, i PASSED. Just passed and that is average in the class. Some got like 2 or 3/18 lar -.- Chem! For both my tests i got 6/10. WANT TO DIE... argh my father's here. bb.
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