Sunday, August 05, 2007


these days

Yesterday was fun! In the morning was RJC scholarship day, the scholarships are really interesting haha just depends on whether i get or not ): ah well but only PSC offers for medicine i think, that sucks. But i didnt know that there were so many scholarships! When i went into the hall, i saw soo many scholarships that i had never seen before, like brightspark, and HDB, hahaha i didnt know HDB offered any scholarships. But then of course they would be more urban plannign and property development boring things :D

After that, naomi, ahgong, norris, jiahong and i went to bugis to eat lunch. And they gave me my present there! Naomi and ahgong did it. It was a great present la haha. and i just realised what i could do with it! Like my life picture diary (y).

And last night was uncle leonard's farewell party. It was quite fun (: we played catching, hide and seek, basketball (we took over the court while they were still playing soccer XD). And we took lots of pictures! Yay! BUTBUT we got uncle leonard a watch, and the parents got him one too. Funny la haha. It's kinda sad since uncle leonard is leaving since we can never seem to manage to keep any coach for a long long time and in a few years maybe jaan might leave us also. But we won't be able to care anymore cos we'd be in the midst of our A levels then (: Though it'll just suck when we come back after As to slack around and jaan isnt here anymore (if he leaves), but it's like that.

Pictures up!

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