Saturday, October 29, 2005
lots of lies
Overall GPA 3.66. =( I feel so damn sad. Sigh English GPA 79. OMG like 79.3 they round down hur. Should have worked harder for something grrr. Nevermind i don't really care about it now.
Aha and i went for OBS checkup on thursday. And im underweight! Oooohhh. Wow im 46.5 kg and (i shrunked!) 164 cm. Darn. Horrible. But ah well it's nice to be underweight too =) I mean there are benefits right.
The prefect elections are treated as a joke. And ng tze kang! Barry has become a prefect. SO is russell gonna be the next ms universe? Hmm xP Haha seriously i don't know why the standards are so pathetic. Haha aww lang now the image of the RIPB is something like a joke and quite pathetic really. Even Kevin Mark Lee got in. And LOL that's the kind of prefect we have. Don't do homework not enough, don't bring textbook not enough, stand up in classroom not enough. Have to stand up in lecture theatre during lectures THEN enough. Wow i can't imagine the kind of prefects we'll have in years to come. Hmm flirt (buaya! eww), irresponsible, and ego. But he is determined when he wants to be, i'll give him that.
This week has 4 presents to buy! Gosh while buying two presents on thursday, i got a rude shock while queuing (how to spell?). I realised i had almost not enough to buy >.< Thankfully i had the mini toons membership card whew. Hehe i saved like $1 with it -.-" Normally given my spendaholic nature that would have been nothing, but i was so thankful for that ok. Whew.
And i go stabbed in class on my palm >.< Haha u noe the carpenter tools Muzhaffar brought to school to chop and shave his wooden pole into a bow? Annoyingly i had told him that he could kill people with those blades and later someone accidentally stabbed my with it -.-" And interestingly, the wound turned blackish purple after i cleared the blood to take a look. I think it must have been a vein. And blood kept coming out till i put a plaster on. -glare-
We played badminton today! Whee though later it was sooo tiring =( I couldn't move at all for the 15*100 test. And i just realised that 1.25 is SUPER easy. Ok not being ego, but it's really true. Lol i mean i wasn't even tired as in pumped out breathwise. But my arms and esp legs weren't moving at all. Cos they couldn't move haha. I remember being mildly annoyed cos i wasn't even breathing hard but i couldn't pull or kick. So at the end it was quite amusing to see everyone panting hard except for me and peck xP Lol haha now i know how my brother feels each time when he says he slacks, but is still much faster than everybody else.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
walking in the sun
Yaya. I just might get a GPA 3.66, or a GPA 3.73 if im like SUPER lucky xP. Haha cos Science and English are grey areas, for the overall year either like 79 or 80. SOOO i am hopinghoping. Gosh so anxious gahhh. Haha if only i had known my CTs would rock so much, i would have worked harder for my CA. Darn.
Whee. Okie let's see my EOYs... CHINESE 88% (yay pro me whoa it's like i beat the chinese pros nehneh xP) ENGLISH 88% (grrr i think kevin mark lee got highest 23/25? Omg i must go kill myself, that-!) MATH 72.5% (omg yayayay i get my GPA 3.2! Woohoo ^^ though it really is quite low) GEOG must i put? 58.3% (I was so shocked okay. like zombie shock -stone- Almost pulled my solid 3.6 GPA down to a 3.2. ALMOST) SCIENCE. Ok this was horrible. I mean, my paper i got 46/50. And THAT is quite pro. AND sadly our atomic bomb project was 2/7 of CT. My group screwed it up cause well 3 members were sick (two were in hospital) and the remaining two members were told to just do our own parts. In the end, we were told we had a lot of marks deducted cause we didnt hand in a complete project. WTF. Ok i was pissed about that cause my overall GPA is about 79.4 now i think. Hopeshopes. GARHHH! So in the end for CT2 i have 85%. FF. And from 3rd im now like super low ;_; Sigh whatever. so now HISTORY 87.5. (yay but this was still a major boo factor. Cause i didnt manage to finish my last long question. And i am quite sure i would have gotten the full marks if i had xP REALLY and mr sharom wrote that my essay had promise but i needed to plan my time well :/)
Aha SO after hearing my yakyakyak and boasting xP all about my wonderful scores (looks at slau! Wait i mean stares intently. 0.0) Haha nows really the end of the YEAR! Yay no more worries about marks! Yay cos it's all done and i just DO hope i get a GPA 3.73. -Screws up eyes really tight and prays- >.<
Training was ok. Haha i think peck should go A group. She can do it really. And when rachel gets back her fitness. and maybe shu jian (i spelt it correctly!) Aha jaan are u seeing? =) And soo many birthdays these few days. Wow haha. mon- wed next week no school!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
got to be this way
Did quite okay for my papers i guess.
Whoa if a little "aiyo, your breaststroke is horrible" is too much. Then i think a) you have the emotional strength of a dog, b) you are super petty, c) you just dont like me. Hey im inclined to think it's a mix of b and c. So i think id better not talk anymore, later u commit suicide.
So much to do :/ And i feel oh so burdened. Shoot cant wait for school end.
Monday, October 24, 2005
OBS. omg i hatehate it. I haaate camps. Outdoor camping's horrid. I still remember those A huts -shiver- I do hope in OBS we dont have to sleep in tents hmm. Imagine how cramp it'll be! Sigh.
Haven't done my SMP, shucks have to hand up on wednesday. And tomorrow we're getting back some of our exam scripts (i think) -hyperventilates- Gasp peck wish me luck again! Oh no, better bring that electric heart startup thingy there. Just in case. Hope i dont start feeling all miserable again and all.
And we had the talk on our course options again today! Now i feel even worse. Apparently, you need a GPA of 3.8 and above to be able to take two H3 subjects in JC! Wow. That is waaaaay too impossible for me. Seeing that only 39% of the GE people got 3.6 and above for semester 1, i think that it is waaaaaay too impossible for most of us. =) Darn ok fine now it will be waaaaaay too impossible for me to take medicene, no need to say get a bloody scholarship. Haha and why are these things so complicated. All about KI better than blah, Chinese results must do well, our GPAs from here counted, whatever H123 subjects. Sigh and what do they do at sec 4? Cause isnt there a difference between RG, RI, express and gep? So how do they judge? Hmmm. I feel depressed. Perhaps should have stayed in water polo after all, there i can at least get achievement points for whatever silver for inter school =( and say i am an all rounder. Here i might as well not be in swimming or any CCA for all my records show -.-" Pitiful sniff really pathetic. Sigh but nvm, wait till my As! Maybe i'll whip out something great and see ^^ (if only) ;_; i want to take 2 H3 subjects now ;_; Hehe but they're reserved for all the smart and hardworking people only i guess.
I love getting exam papers back. Even though i may know i did not do well, i still love getting them back and looking at them. and feeling bad later. Kind of like math, when i was pro at it, when i was middling at it, and when i suck at it (like now), i still always loved it ^^
Sunday, October 23, 2005
whispers in the dark
Wow now SMP seems so scary. To get in, must give essay, whole lot of particulars, and after that, go for interview! Omg like getting a job, stresstress. Shucks and on top of that, have to give 3 hours each week to attachment at whichever institution laboratory, and full-day attachment for 1st 2 weeks of june. I really do hope it's not everyday of those 2 weeks or half my june holidays will be gone =( Why so strict one. Pooosh i'll come out of there looking like a lab rat xP that is, if i join at all.
Idiotic people i hate talking behind my back (though truthfully i really am guilty of it SOMETIMES xP it's a helpless fault)
Finally tidied up and cutcut my links list! Yay and in alphabetical order too ^^
Friday, October 21, 2005
Naomi i mightmight just join SMP. If i can get round to writing the form and finding a third member. (though two is really ok) But only like 1/4 of the sec 2 gep turned up for the briefing -.-" and it was compulsory but it was really disorganised, no one informed us and it was after school. How dumb, now there'll be fewer people joining, when this year apperently most of them were ri people. Aha but that means less people for them to select! Yay which means more chance of us getting in ^^ And we have to put our CT 2 marks. Darn i know physics i would most probably do well but 2/7 of CT2 was our atomic kit project which was screwed up =( But really i just want the cert xP So naomi just apply for it!
Thursday, October 20, 2005
for your dreams
Went training this morning. Was afraid i was going to be alone with my bro and kang, but then yay rachel goh came! Hehe i wouldnt be able to stand being left behind to swim on my own xP 6*50 was fun. Yeah right. We had this erm handicap system where we have to chase other people, and it is so not fun to get chased by kang >.< Grrr he was doing 29s and i got overtaken each time when i was doing free :O Sigh i wish i weren't so slow =( But im feeling horribly tired now even after my nap just now. Zzz Zzz in such cold weather, it was comfortable ^^ Yeah and the wind blowing in from the hall window is sooo cold i closed it. And that's a first.
Aha exams are over ~ Find i do not think too much about my screwed up math paper anymore. Yay hur. Ok RGS people! Tomorrow's the last day, so go for it! (math gah) Aha u are a mugger race so math shouldnt be a problem. But still, dont slack now! Hehe we kind of slacked off after our humans for us xP That's the last one, so good luck!
Yay my brother's now an ACS(i)ian. Hmm a lot of ri people from MY class say they like the IB too. =( Poot. Now what.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
i didnt mean it
Im sorry to u. If u know who you are. I was just annoyed and a feeling a little well pissed and betrayed. Hey i know ive known u well and for a long time. Because of that i know u like no one else knows u. I know what ur afraid of and all. Im sorry i know i shouldn't have used those against u. I know i can make people feel very bad through what i say if i want to. I didnt mean it. Please forgive me, dont be sad. Hey if u read it, then i hope u know who u are. But if u dont, well it's our loss.
it's the end of every happiness
I hate myself. Haha yes. I flunked math. Though the paper was easy. Alright out of the 11 marks i lost 5 marks was the question i left blank ---> i drew it out and went algebra! Then blah blah which side and all that then subs but then i thought. Hey i can't do this, i'll probably do it halfway then get stuck. So i left it. Omg 5 marks translates to 2% of my TOTAL year. F. Hell i think im gonna get a 3.2 anyway. And everything else 3.6 except for hist which i may get 4.0. and if that happens, i'll get my overall 3.6. yay.
Omg i try to tell myself. Hey exams are over! Be happy, u tried ur best! Haha that's what i tell people (right naomi). But i still feel horribly sad and depressed. Cos well i'd be lying to myself if i say i did my best. Well i certainly could have at least STUDIED for math, no need to say practice. And i could have done that question if i had just attempted it. I am so tired now. There's this weight that just won't go away no matter how much i try to smile.
It's such a nice thing to just stay back after school and sit in the empty classroom (aircon yeah!) and think about anything, everything and nothing. It's nice to be alone (for an hour!) or nice to talk to one or two others alone. >.< Hehe i did that today, just sat in class and thought about well everything but mainly school. You can screamshoutkickcrystonepunchtearcutsayfuckthinkquietlystudy and you would be alone in the peaceful quiet of the empty class. (though people usually stay back too to study and all) For about an hour then kartik and porry came in and we talked about school.
I love 2J. Everything about 2J. I dont wanna split up. 2J we rock. Hoho most of us taking geog next year. But why? Geog is not a very nice subject heh xP We are a decent class, we rock our scores, we rock well in balance. We have all kinds of people (quoted from LYS) and hey, we had a lot of fun this year.
RGS girls gogo! You still have exaaams xP Go rock the papers and get good marks. (hey naomi and chermy dont worry u are both the smartiest pants, shooom just cruise through and sleep early! white hair)
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
kudos to u
We have just one more to go! Im feeling so happy now. YAY!!! Haha math tmr then we're home free! Ok feeling happy now, at the wrong time. Ah well my attitude for the exam i noticed is like during hist, hey only 1 more minute. Then i still have like half the 12 mark question to go and i think "heck dont worry uve done ur best and written all u can!" Yay then i wait as i write for the time to be up. It's more like 20 more min to finish! yay. Haha today's physics was EASY! Yay ^^ hehe ah well for me physics seem much easier than the other subjects. It's like math, but simple math. In physics, you just need to have and understand a few or just one formula, and u can make the question bend whether they like it or not. But in sec math u can know the method or the formula, but u need to pry and bend for the question to find the way to do it. Math is all about creativity and PRACTICE. Brain gym ^^ But pity physics CT 20/70 marks is atomic bomb kit. 50 marks is the EOY. Haha i think i screwed my atomic bomb kit up.
Math tomorrow! Yay throughout this EOYs, naomi has given me her geog river notes to study, and jotham just pushed his physics definition notes on me. All without asking. Nice people out there and who says raffles people don't share notes? Haha jotham puts anything he thinks will help us on the egroup and shares his notes and help anytime. There are nice people ^^ and there are not nice people. I cant stand people who are like super selfish. Say when we play ball in class, if i play with someone like teddy or jia hong, we take turns to throw the ball. Haha it's like meyoumeyoumeyou. Yes but with some people it's i grab for it! Knock down the table and anyone in my way! Everytime i will snatch for it and not give u to throw! I cant stand those people. Esp those rough people who do this. Hmph.
Went j8 today but forgot how early it was xP Aha so i didnt buy the _______, naomi. Must i really? it will look reeallyy weird u noe heh. Ah well i shall try again tmr.
Monday, October 17, 2005
singing this crazy song
4 down 2 to go! Yay i am so happy. Shucks on the other hand there goes my GPA 4.0 for hist. Woohoo look i can see it flying away! -waves- omg i feel so disappointed. I don't really think it was a case of whether i did study or not but let me give u a run down on sunday, the only day i mugged. Morning - Swimming and tv (no i skipped church adds to my sinner guilt) Afternoon i slept for a while, then i played/used the com. EVENING - starting to get worried but nooo i didnt start studying too. In fact i took the chance to pay gunbound while my family went to plaza sing. And watched Shanghai Knights after my dinner till 9.30 (my mother thought i had studied the whole day). SOOO i went on super mugging mode from there onwards from 9.30 to 11.45. Haha 2 hours i wanna cry. Only mugged geog but i think i could finish everything though not too detailed.
Everything was timetimetime today. Geog last question was soo simple but i only wrote like 6 lines? And my handwriting was becoming bigger and bigger xP Once again i think geog was an average ok paper. But history! Shit this gonna be the first test this year i get below 80. I really think i flunked it, i had no time, i lost like a few marks cos i didnt study (hard enough really i did study!) (so unless i could really state my definitions really well, there they go!) Oh god but please, geog - 3.6, hist - 4.0. I know i don't deserve it but i really need it. Please i don't wanna throw my hist away just like this, on a side note, i had thought i flunked my previous hist tests but i turned out ok so hopefully...
Ok and sci tmr, physics is easy! ^^ Ahah but then again, still need practice so i gonna hav to mug. OK i shall start mugging earlier, been sleeping. Oh please at least let me do physics well. Math last day! Shit needs practice and i have been going like one sum a week?? #$*% Math is like swimming. If u are smart, u hav the talent like some people in swimming. But u need constant practice, which is like training. Dont train and u go down. Aha then again depends how much talent u hav (some people dont need to train >.<) i dont know why but it seems my talent's not enough so!! Uber practice mode tomorrow. Oh i want tuition!
My brother intitially wanted to buy an ipod mini. But he just came home with a $479 samsung mp3 player which i really like now. Ok fine i know he's richer than me (he just bought a cd too days ago). That's so sad but u know the lot we bought a few weeks ago has brought back like $100 already ^^ Yay and it was bought at like 400 smth so i earn muchs yay. But yang has two lots and me one once again because i have no more money to buy - so he earn 200. And know after his mp3 he still had much more money than me. This is so unfair. Hope my parents can get enough to move into landed soon then i can get my own room! Yay but i gonna save from now on, dont wanna miss out on another good share xP
Sunday, October 16, 2005
must try
Trying trying trying. Ok can't wait for wed to be over. Then i do not have to have this huge naggy worry on me anymore. It's nagging in my ear: "start studying now. its geog and hist! u only hav a few more hours!" god help me. please... my god. Sigh try to start please me. Should i go out later? >.<
Auntie T was supposed to come today but she went to the recreational pool to float around instead. Tsk i hope i don't become like the old aunties next time hmm.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
high above the moon
I feel horrible. Shucks when i was swimming i was feeling so loser. SOMEHOW Jaan must understand that people who haven't been swimming for some time can't swim like they used to. Esp people who were originally already not very fit. Like me. And we must have at least one week to get back in shape. Hah BIG blaring clue here. But i seriously don't know what is wrong with me. Shit i couldn't even swim 6*100 on 1.30. My arms just died. &$%@ this certainly is effey. Esp since i used to go YAY at such sets like the 3*6*100 we did today. My strokes don't seem to be even swimming. My back and breast are totally shit. Now im well back to grandma stroke. Haha and my back can't keep up with the kiddies. My breast can't even keep up with brendan. Lang u better come back soon or u man are gonna be sooo slow. Alright now i know i wont be alone ^^ When am i gonna get back? I feel so useless now. Even for pulling i died on the 1st hundred like i never died before >.<
Tomorrow there's training. T-yunn might go ^^ Yay i shall go and see if i die. At least i can go and drown knowing (hopefully) that i am helping myself get back up. Sigh this is tiring and very hopeless. Gotta start mugging again, hist and geog. Darn mug-a-mug gonna tackle my exams at a run!
Friday, October 14, 2005
I am such a dead loser. Sigh ok weeeell i guess the papers weren't really hard. But then everyone's going how they wrote this and that, did this comparison and that quote (they practically memorised the whole book) and i think i did okay with my now to me hopelessly inadequate essay =( Bleargh they should have tested more on language shucks (crappable, less muggy based)
Hoho and recess was 1.5 hr cos our paper finished earlier than the express ^^ Hehe BUT half my class didn't eat. We TRIED to mug. Omg i had only like gone through half my study thingies yest, cos i had to complete the atomic bomb kit with cheng xiang ONLY. Well cos OYS has dengue, jotham has been sick for more than a week, and tedric was sick! So only left us =( Back to mugging. And well it certainly is hard to mug with people playing softball in class, and tian kai screaming googoogaagaagiiigaagooo!!! Haha retarded and near the end smth like 10 people were clambering for the little ball everytime it dropped. Bleargh anyways Chinese i think i only got one wrong for all four sections of tian xie han zi/ whatever filling in thingy/ gai zheng cuo zi --> 2 from ke ben and 1 cheng yu and 1 yan yu. IT WAS SUCH A STUPID MISTAKE. omg crap. crap. Whatever anyway eng and chinese are 3.6s. So whatever. Ok now geog, hist, science and math left! Oh no. Im really scared. There hangs my 4.0 and 3.2 in the balance. -hyperventilates-
Okay i think i can go training today! Yay yay but when i stop to think about it, i realise how slow i reallly must be now (i know im much less fit now, and much weaker. god knows how i'll keep up with the kiddies) and i start to get worried. Sigh pleaseplease well not so slow. At least let me swim the main program and the relay well xP (if there is a relay)
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
aftermath of the kiss
I am feeling cheated. Hmph. I was told by a CERTAIN someone -ahem- that hist class quiz was tested from 1948 elections to merger, not seperation. And tada seperation comes out xP Grr haha but i also did not really study the merger notes last night anyway, too late and i couldn't be bothered.
TODAY i took 13 to kallang station from RI. Im not familiar with it and halfway i started panicking cos i thought i over shot by a lot (hey i didnt remember seeing those foreign looking places last time!) So i alighted at Potong Pasir mrt and changed 3 mrts to get back to kallang station. And there i realized i was initially on the right track. -.-" 1 extra hour of my time. Sigh but the purple coloured stations are very nice! and new! and their trains!
So i couldn't go training again today =( Shucks now im definitely gonna be really slow. Tmr also can't go cos i hav tuition for fri's chinese paper >.< I realised that all in all, the GE papers total up to be 1 hour 20 min less than the SE papers? Hehe not complaining we love shorter papers yeah ^^
Wanna go bangkok for the swim camp, but it's sounding worse and worse with each piece of news. Why can't we hav a "holiday" camp like last time? Those were fun. Aha but we hav another choice, to ballot for LA and if we get, we can go! Yay i hardly remember any thing there now. but still i wish bangkok were more fun.
Poot my bro's gonna go for queensland and trash, and leave me at home again lamenting my slowness again.
Goggles we really aren't great on combining the paddles are we. There be disgruntlement. Tag or smth.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
playing the game of life
Stoned at home today. As usual... stonestonestone... Argh and there's a hist class quiz tmr =( WHY omg luckily i got (shit) a whole stack of notes. This is no way for me to recover. Sigh i wish i paid more attention in class ^^ Hehe ok SHOULD be ok i THINK. It has to go well.
Went out to plaza sing today to hav lunch, noticed a lot of sec school people out of school o.0 is this a sec school thing? (apparently not ri >.<) I dont wanna go back to school tmr. Shucks. Then again, i can't wait for exams to end! only ONE/1 more week. Ok furious muggin starts now! Argh. Im stuck. Hehe but i reeeallyy can't get myself to start studying =( oh no always the same. Grr and i really should do some math worksheets cos as chermy wisely says in worm speak, "math is like brain gym!". Apt, i remember how mrs Chan used to mak eus go through so many math papers for PSLE xP But it was a fun year. And PSLE has finished! Those lucky asses, they're gonna have a whale of a time, while we worry and pull out our white hair.
Being in/called elite is nice, we worked for it.
...looks down under.
That was random but then again im not talking to YOU am i.
Monday, October 10, 2005
hope against hope
I hav a fever today. AGAIN. omg on a monday AGAIN too. Hehe but no dengue yays, and skip school >.<
Trained only once last week, i am so dead the next time i go.
Haliim said i got highest in class for hist TERM 3 - 88%. YAY but i must do well this term to get a GPA 4.0 for the year. HOPES HOPES i must do well for this EOY!! pleasepleaseplease i am so close, i just need this.
Apparently, im not the only one who thinks this years nominees are lousy:/ The standard is like really really low unlike previous ones. Go
Sunday, October 09, 2005
There's an epidemic going through the sec 2 gep (ri?), one day, 2L had 13 people sick. That's more than half the class. Wow and my class continually has absentees and OYS has dengue, not sure if jotham has too. Hope they get well soon; but it's sad isnt it, come back just in time to sit for exams. But that also means we've lost 2 of our science atomic bomb group members and our leader +(
Also computer viruses -.-" Mainly adware all coming from yest's downloading of games. But they looked so fun in LYS' house (we were supposed to do geog posters xP) Shucks there's like 20 over of them now, i am now scanning using norton, yahoo anti spy, and manually searching through the search engine in windows explorer (for the viruses i noe already by name lar) Grr now my com is suuuuper slow. Hope i can get rid of all of them, or i'll hav to get my father to reformat the com again (anyway i think i hav to much junk here) =(
Er haha, jaan, it doesnt help that i never had talent to start with.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
If We Hold On Together
Samm are u sure jaan reads our blogs?! OMG. And u must tell me about what u all said!
Song dedication time! I love this song ^^ Land before time - with all the dinosaurs and all, who can resist it (though i hardly remember it, i was er... how old? xP) If we hold on together dedicated to all my friends! =) Corny me but let's hold on together yes (and dont forget each other 2J!, funny coming from me but we were still the greatest [yeah!] class though a BIT ununited ;>).
Don't lose your way
With each passing day
You've come so far
Don't throw it away
Live believing
Dreams are for weaving
Wonders are waiting to start
Live your story
Faith, hope & glory
Hold to the truth in your heart
If we hold on together
I know our dreams will never die
Dreams see us through to forever
Where clouds roll by
For you and i
Souls in the wind
Must learn how to bend
Seek out a star
Hold on to the end
Valley, mountain
There is a fountain
Washes our tears all away
Words are swaying
Someone is praying
Please let us come home to stay
If we hold on together
I know our dreams will never die
Dreams see us through to forever
Where clouds roll by
For you and i
When we are out there in the dark
We'll dream about the sun
In the dark we'll feel the light
Warm our hearts, everyone
If we hold on together
I know our dreams will never die
Dreams see us through to forever
As high as souls can fly
The clouds roll by
For you and i
Thursday, October 06, 2005
our dreams will never die
I am tired. I am dead. Gasp whoosh. This has been another hell week for me, like the only other one i had before during the week after the i-learning. I have no idea which one is worse. Sigh omg ok now the last task. Finish eng portfolio! Gah but i really had no time to do it the days before.
And oral comm retest today! Ok spent just 20 min last night thinking of a topic :/ i noe i noe then naomi came to help me! Yay thanks bestie ^^ Aha she gave me the idea to use whacky topics (some girl in her class came up with "why humans should mate with cockroaches") haha and so i came up with... Why superman will win batman in a fight. Mmmm funny topic, i took 5 min to do the paper, aha after all he said i read too much for my first try and so now i decide not to read at all! Yay though it was really short, but im quite sure i made everyone laugh almost the entire thing? Hmm goody and i didnt fail yay.
Yest went training again - though i left at 7 and jumped into the pool at 5.30. Gah samm so slow! Yes u are samm dont deny, u made me go first all the time! And i was feeling so horribly slow and unfit all the time. And she wouldnt go first -glare- And i hated swimming with kang and ms for the 10*100 free. Sigh so annoying, in fact i hate swimming with my bro, kang or ms for free. Their strokes are just so... precise, slow and paced and efficient. =( Everytime i swim with them, im compelled to swim my non-grandma stroke (or else id feel like guilty for breaking the rythym or smth). Sigh but im not used to using it during heartrate esp since the rate is so slow >.< HORRIBLY slow i tell u, and now, i find it very difficult to force myself into that fast paced sprint i used to do. Hmm but aha when i swim with the girls there's no more restriction xP Reallly all of them go mad during these kind of sets without any semblance of stroke (yes girls very crazy women trashing about), and i like just going crazy and throwing away my stroke and sprinting away with them :) It feels so fun. Finally at the end there was no ms or kang to swim with and i did 1.09 for the last one during the 5*100. Ok haha maybe it's bad lar, cos just a few months ago i was doing 1.09-1.13 with shu jian during 10*100 although with plunging but still... Im fat and lazy and unfit now! Yay ooohh polo again tmr! I am happy.
La-dee-la the prefect nominees are quite screwed up. People treat them like a joke. But i agree, they arent really good this year :/ Truly horrendous haha the campaign speeches are really some good more bad. The poor Jian Xiong guy, people clapped at everything he said yest. Like if he says, my name is jian xiong, or smth like, this is our school. Well just at the end of every sentence, people start clapping. It was kinda his fault anyway, asking people to give someone a round of applause (i cant rmb what for) well people just caught on after that and did all speech-round clapping. Ms kuang was very angry during our lesson and said that it was disrespectful and rude to him. I agree omg i wouldnt noe what to do if i were him. Lol Barry squashed that today by saying "no clapping please" mean little guy x)
I wanna buy an ipod nano. Shall start saving. Gahh but it's hard when im always like giving money away, i think between this year and last year alone i have forgotten like $20 worth of debts (ok i havent forgotten some but it's a little awkward asking people for ur money right?) and i spend money like i drink water (i drink a lot!) i really cant help it, im a spendaholic=( and to top it off i took a van project can too. I'll feel guilty if i dont put some money in everyday. Sigh...
Good luck to the peeps for PSLE (a bit late -.-") not really worried about my bro though. grrr in fact, please let him not beat me or id really be loser then huh. He's going training today. With Chinese PSLE tmr o.0 i noe he's smart hur but he wasnt really even studying today hmph fine copycat! Must have seen my method of preparation for exams... well at least he learns this x)
YAY tmr's the last day of the week. Again! -Dances around- Don't u just love dancing? I love dancing to a nice music (most of my songs are dance anyway - they're nice right samm ^^) and just spinning round and round, just letting my body take control and let the music merge with my dance and sweep me away. I feel free.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
make me sway
I wish i was in choir. Yes i do - at least in a good one at least haha. Today before the research congress (rjc's LT is soo big) they played part of
les Coretes. I had forgotten how wonderful it was to hear a choir sing again. I love choir concerts xP I love how everyone concentrates to just make up a grand song. Together as part of a whole and the music is just so... Well magical? Hmm i really like it. I would like to be part of that music, doing my own part knowing how beautiful the song is together.
Anyways, realised i sounded so angst (or emo?) in yest's post. Aha but well... Today my mother's bugging me to go training. Gahh and im very sure tmr i wont be able to go. Today not sure if i can, if i do i shall hav to rush the remainder of the arguments for 3 gorges dam (sorry barney) and prepare for oral comm tmr! >.< Stupid stupid but dont wanna look dumb again.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
it's all about me
Everything just collapsed around me today. All i lied to myself about, reassured myself, tried to believe, tried to dismiss and push away; it all came crashing down. I know im not perfect, but why? It's something that's always been part of my life. I hate you (all)? I hate me. Whywhywhy. Why is this me? Why am i a loser. Why can't i just ____. Why did it have to happen like this. Now i can't pretend to hide anymore.
I feel so tired. Oh god...
But i agree, he couldn't hav picked a much better thing to make me see than that.
Monday, October 03, 2005
filling up every colour
Eng portfolio due friday. Omg im so thankful. Yest did until 9.30, my father asked me to stop and i had only done 1 reflection. I was desperate and thankfully kartik told me it wasnt due today! Omgomgomg im so grateful. I just started screaming and laughing cos i felt so relieved. xD im crazy. Haha ok now must learn a lesson - no more procrastination! Grr things are not the same anymore it seems hmm.
Let's see, gotta do stupid sci ppt today. And the geog assignment >.< Blah slept so late last night, alternately reading Killing Joke and doing philo journal. Sucks i think i hardly wrote much. Eng file i got A* ^^ Im so happy and my first reflection got 17. Hmm not exceptionally good (chengxiang got 1! haha late work naughty naughty xP) and i reeeallyy cant think of anymore things to put into my other reflections now after my second. -frowns- it's a stupid idea. 4 reflections for 1 play! Gahh ok must caaaaalm. Start on my work now.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
with a cherry on top
Training was craappyyyyy... Why am i so slow? Shucks i know i dont train much, but still! Grrr i hatehatehate being soo slow. Gah i hate being so unfit, i diedie after just a few? Are my grandma strokes better? -frowns- but still, i need to stop depending on them and start working on my proper strokes hmm. =( i dont wanna be slow. And i dont wanna be tired.
So muchs to do. Go me, hopefully my father forgets about the curfew, i'll need all the extra time i can get. Let me ride!
Saturday, October 01, 2005
days in a jar
hmm, my blogger create new posts page a bit screwed this few days...
Ah i slack again today aft xP sorry to those who i told i'll go, but i was again tempted! Argh this time by shopping though =( Hur OG is sooo fun! And i never realised. Hmph all the levels of clothes there! Went to popular too and bought myself 4 more uniball signo pens! (maroon, orange, green and dark blue) and 4 markers. Haha now samm i beat u flat!
Feeling very guilty now. Shucks, esp since this morning was like a slaaaaack program anyway. It was, and i died for the warm up. Heelloooo, warm up! Gosh now i noe how unfit i am. I used to love warm up and just sprint up and down. Now im a dead pig if i try. Hur anyway going tomorrow morning. You better go! Haha gotta get my fitness up!
And im soo dead. Got eng portfolio to do, three gorges dam (stop bugging me!) and atomic bomb kit =( sigh sad and tomorrow prob not much time to do, so rushrushrush!
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